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Posts Tagged: “GOP

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January 10, 2024Original Analysis

Texas GOP Moves to Support Gold

This March, Republican primary voters in Texas won’t just be choosing which candidates to represent their party in November – they will also be voting on a series of ballot propositions that while not legally binding offer a way for voters to guide their leaders. Here’s why what is happening in Texas matters and what […]

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December 20, 2017Key Gold Headlines

Tax Relief Without Government Relief

The House and Senate both passed the GOP tax bill yesterday. As of Wednesday morning, it needed just one more vote in the House on some technical changes made in the Senate before it heads to Pres. Trump’s desk. The media keeps calling the Republican bill “tax reform.” Peter Schiff called that, “fake news.”

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November 28, 2017Key Gold Headlines

GOP Tax Plan: Government on a Credit Card

The middle class is not getting tax relief under the Senate plan currently under consideration. It’s getting big government on a credit card. Here’s a fun fact. Did you know virtually all of the individual tax cuts in the Senate version of tax reform are temporary? Indeed, what the Senate giveth, it also taketh away. Most of […]

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