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Posts Tagged: “European Central Bank

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August 19, 2019Videos

Negative Interest Rate Absurdity and How It Screws Up the Economy (Video)

Negative-yielding debt surged to over $15 trillion earlier this month. This pile of negatively-yielding paper includes government and corporate bonds, along with some euro junk bonds. In a recent episode of the Wolf Street Report, Wolf Richter called this “NIRP absurdity.” And it could be coming to America. Negative interest rates started out as a short-term […]

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December 18, 2017Key Gold Headlines

Economic Stimulus Alive and Kicking in EU

Janet Yellen and company pretty much followed the script during last week’s Federal Open Market Committee meeting, raising interest rates another .25 percent and signaling three rate hikes in 2018. We tend to focus primarily on Federal Reserve actions, but it’s important to remember the Fed isn’t the only central bank game in town. While it […]

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