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Posts Tagged: “economy

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December 18, 2017Key Gold Headlines

Economic Stimulus Alive and Kicking in EU

Janet Yellen and company pretty much followed the script during last week’s Federal Open Market Committee meeting, raising interest rates another .25 percent and signaling three rate hikes in 2018. We tend to focus primarily on Federal Reserve actions, but it’s important to remember the Fed isn’t the only central bank game in town. While it […]

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November 30, 2017Key Gold Headlines

Which Snowflake Will Trigger the Financial Avalanche?

Loose monetary policy has dumped billions of dollars of easy money into the world’s financial systems over the last eight years, pumping up a whole slew of bubbles. We are still on the upside of the business cycle, with stock markets hitting record levels it seems like on a daily basis. But if history serves […]

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November 28, 2017Key Gold Headlines

GOP Tax Plan: Government on a Credit Card

The middle class is not getting tax relief under the Senate plan currently under consideration. It’s getting big government on a credit card. Here’s a fun fact. Did you know virtually all of the individual tax cuts in the Senate version of tax reform are temporary? Indeed, what the Senate giveth, it also taketh away. Most of […]

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