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Posts Tagged: “economy

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September 27, 2018Key Gold Headlines

Which Fed Rate Hike Will Finally Break the Economy’s Back?

As expected, the Federal Reserve nudged interest rates up another 25 basis points Wednesday. The federal funds rate now stands at 2.25%. The Fed offered up a rosy outlook for the US economy, projecting growth will continue for the next three years. The central bank also dropped the phrase, “the stance of monetary policy remains accommodative” […]

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September 18, 2018Key Gold Headlines

Inflation Is Eating Up Your Wage Growth

When the August jobs report came out earlier this month, much was made over the “solid” wage growth. Average hourly wages increased by 2.9% on an annualized basis. Peter Schiff raised an important question when the report hit the news cycle. Is this wage growth indicative of a growing economy? Or is it simply a […]

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