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Posts Tagged: “economic growth

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May 24, 2024Peter's Podcast

Peter Schiff: Silver has New Support at $30

In this episode, Peter recounts silver’s notable rise above $30/oz and addresses the latest FOMC minutes that were released this week, in which the Fed signaled that rate cuts could be delayed even further. Peter also calls out the SchiffGold Silver Breakout Sale to celebrate the metal’s long-awaited breakout. 

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May 17, 2024Original Analysis

How the Regulatory State Cripples Small-Business

Politicians parrot on about small businesses being the backbone of the economy, only to pass the regulations that stifle them. In 2024, several federal agencies instituted new regulations on small businesses. These agencies included the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, the IRS, and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. The new restrictions add to an exponentially increasing mountain of […]

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May 11, 2024Original Analysis

Innovation’s Silent Killer: Progressive Taxation

Innovation has a silent killer… a scourge that America has aided and abetted for over a century. Innovative activity is the backbone of the economy. Because of Google, Honda, and Netflix, life is easier for billions of people around the globe. A Stanford study found that up to 85% of economic growth is due to innovation. But what if all […]

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January 12, 2022Original Analysis

GDP Creates the Illusion of Fed-Fueled Economic Growth

Joe Biden keeps touting the “booming” economic recovery. And of course, he’s taking credit for it. But is the economy really booming? If you look at GDP growth, it certainly appears the US economy is in the midst of a robust recovery. But economic growth is relative. And when your baseline is an economy that […]

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February 11, 2020Key Gold Headlines

Borrowing Our Way to Prosperity?

Americans are driving the US economy along with borrowed money. The question is how much longer can it last? Consumer debt surged once again in December as Americans charged up their credit cards for the holidays. Total consumer credit grew by $22.1 billion in December, according to the latest data released by the Federal Reserve. […]

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October 22, 2019Guest Commentaries

Stimulus Doesn’t Stimulate: The Case of Japan

Last week, Keynesian extraordinaire Paul Krugman called for more fiscal stimulus in the form of a “government investment program.” Mike Maharrey poked fun of him in his Fun on Friday column. But while it might be amusing to crack jokes at the expense of Keynsians and their obsession with both fiscal and monetary stimulus, the […]

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April 29, 2019Peter's Podcast

Peter Schiff: What’s Going on With the GDP?

The Commerce Department released the first estimate of Q1 GDP growth on Friday. It came in higher than expected at 3.2%. Somewhat surprisingly, the price of gold rose on the news and the dollar showed some weakness. The primary reason was presumably lower inflation. This means the Fed still has the excuse it needs to […]

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October 23, 2018Videos

Peter Schiff: The US Government Needs to Get Out of the Way (Video)

As we reported last week, China is dumping US debt. China’s holdings of US Treasuries fell for the third consecutive month in August. The Chinese shed another $6 billion in US debt, dropping its total holdings to $1.165 trillion. Over the last year, China’s holdings of Treasury bonds fell by $37 billion year-on-year. But China has […]

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October 23, 2018Key Gold Headlines

Government Debt Retards Economic Growth

In fiscal 2018,  the national debt expanded by more than $1 trillion. According to data released by the Treasury Department, it was the sixth-largest fiscal-year debt increase in the history of the United States. A combination of increased spending along with shrinking revenues continues to expand the federal deficit and balloon the national debt. GOP apologists insist […]

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