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Posts Tagged: “digital currency

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May 8, 2024Peter's Podcast

Peter Schiff: Rate Hikes on the Horizon? 

Peter’s back to recap the last week in markets and economic news. This episode starts with April’s dismal stock performance and also discusses Jerome Powell’s most recent appearance. Peter wraps up the episode by recounting the Bitcoin debate he participated in on Friday.

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May 6, 2024Key Gold Headlines

What Will CBDCs Mean for Gold?

With the eventual introduction of central bank digital currency (CBDCs) now seemingly inevitable, there are a lot of directions central banks could take with their digital currency projects that would have dramatic implications for the price of gold.

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October 11, 2023Key Gold Headlines

Zimbabwe Introduces Digital Payment System Backed By Gold

The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) has launched a digital payment system backed by physical gold. The RBZ rolled out its digital gold-backed token in April after successfully implementing a program to produce physical gold coins in 2022. On Oct. 5, the central bank announced that these gold-backed digital tokens could be used as a […]

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October 4, 2021Guest Commentaries

One Ring to Rule Us All: A Global Digital Fiat Currency

We’ve written extensively about the “war on cash.” In a nutshell, governments would love to do away with cash in order to better track and control their citizens. There have been numerous moves closer to a cashless society in recent years, from capping ATM withdrawals to doing away with large-denomination bills. Last year, China launched […]

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December 27, 2020Guest Commentaries

Central Bank Digital Currency: It’s All About Control

The People’s Bank of China was the first central bank to roll out a digital currency. The digital yuan recently got a boost when China’s biggest online retailer announced it has developed the first virtual platform to accept the Chinese digital currency. Digital currency is nothing more than a virtual banknote or coin that exists […]

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December 10, 2020Key Gold Headlines

War on Cash: Chinese Digital Currency Gets a Boost

Last summer, the Chinese government launched a pilot program for a digital version of the yuan. The virtual currency ups the ante in the war on cash and creates the potential for the government to track and even control consumer spending. Last week, the digital yuan got a boost when China’s biggest online retailer announced […]

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