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Posts Tagged: “depression

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April 18, 2023Interviews

Peter Schiff: We’d Be Lucky to Escape With Just a Recession

Peter Schiff recently appeared on Real America with Dan Ball to talk about the weakening US dollar, the less-than-stellar jobs report, and the trajectory of the economy. Peter kicked off the interview with a startling statement when Dan said whether it’s oil, de-dollarization, or President Biden’s horrible economic policies, everything is pointing toward a recession […]

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December 20, 2017Key Gold Headlines

Don’t Just Do Something, Sit There!

Have you heard of the depression of 1920-21? Unless you’re a pretty hard-core economics geek, you probably haven’t. The most striking aspect of this depression was its duration. It lasted just 18 months. And how did the US get itself out of this sharp economic downturn? By essentially doing nothing.

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