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POSTED ON September 26, 2018  - POSTED IN Key Gold Headlines

In a recent podcast, Peter Schiff talked about the “Trump tariff put” – this idea that the president will be able to call off the trade war to rescue the market should it start to fall. Peter called that idea nonsense.

It is the type of wishful thinking, the type of just ignoring all of the bad news, whistling past the graveyard, the type of mentality that you have in a bull market where everything is good news and there is nothing to worry about.”

In his most recent podcast, Peter tackled another similar myth – that a divided government will be bullish for the market.

POSTED ON June 28, 2018  - POSTED IN Key Gold Headlines

Peter Schiff talked politics in his latest podcast and raised a sobering question: Could the US be on the path toward a socialist administration?

Peter noted that we are long overdue for a recession. There are plenty of signs a major economic downturn could be lurking right around the corner, including stock market weakness. And as we reported today, US Treasury yield curves are flattening. The average global yield curve has inverted. Inverting yield curves are a strong predictor of recession.

This is bad news for President Trump, who has taken credit for the “great” economy and strong stock market. Peter said the president has set himself up as the fall-guy when the crash happens. Meanwhile, the Democratic Party is drifting further left. 

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