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Posts Tagged: “deficit

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November 28, 2017Key Gold Headlines

GOP Tax Plan: Government on a Credit Card

The middle class is not getting tax relief under the Senate plan currently under consideration. It’s getting big government on a credit card. Here’s a fun fact. Did you know virtually all of the individual tax cuts in the Senate version of tax reform are temporary? Indeed, what the Senate giveth, it also taketh away. Most of […]

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November 8, 2017Key Gold Headlines

Deficits Could Undercut Benefit of Tax Cuts

During a recent interview with Investing News Network, Peter Schiff reiterated something he’s been saying for the last several months. The stock market is still a big, fat, ugly bubble, and misplaced optimism continues to blow it up. [Pres Trump has] accomplished blowing more air into a stock market bubble that already existed before he […]

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