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Posts Tagged: “deficit

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July 14, 2021Key Gold Headlines

US Government Spending Sure Isn’t Transitory

The mainstream narrative is that the Fed will soon admit that inflation isn’t transitory. At that point, it will raise interest rates and taper its bond-buying program to fight rising prices. But this narrative ignores the elephant in the room – the ever-increasing national debt. In June, the US government ran another big deficit of […]

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October 23, 2018Videos

Peter Schiff: The US Government Needs to Get Out of the Way (Video)

As we reported last week, China is dumping US debt. China’s holdings of US Treasuries fell for the third consecutive month in August. The Chinese shed another $6 billion in US debt, dropping its total holdings to $1.165 trillion. Over the last year, China’s holdings of Treasury bonds fell by $37 billion year-on-year. But China has […]

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October 19, 2018Videos

Peter Schiff Debates a Socialist (Video)

The US federal government posted the largest budget deficit since 2012 in fiscal 2018.  Uncle Sam ended 2018 $779 billion in the red, adding to the ballooning national debt. The Bipartisan Policy Center called the Treasury report a “wakeup call,” noting that trillion dollar deficits during an economic expansion are a serious issue. But not everybody […]

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October 18, 2018Key Gold Headlines

Fake Accounting Creates Fake News

On Tuesday, US stock markets rallied. The Dow was up over 500 points. That led a lot of people to conclude that the recent declines were just a correction. But as Peter Schiff pointed out in his most recent podcast, bear markets have rallies. Just because the market goes up a few days doesn’t mean […]

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