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Posts Tagged: “deficit

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August 14, 2018Key Gold Headlines

Debt as Far as the Eye Can See

While mainstream pundits and talking heads cluck about great jobs number and amazing economic growth, by and large, they completely ignore the fact that the entire economy is built on giant piles of debt. In our Friday Gold Wrap podcast last week, Mike Maharrey talked about the fact that the economy is drowning in debt, focusing […]

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March 26, 2018Key Gold Headlines

Spending America Into Oblivion: Business as Ususal

Spending America into oblivion has become business as usual on Capitol Hill. On Friday, Pres. Donald Trump signed a $1.3 trillion dollar spending bill. The legislation funds the federal government through the remainder of the 2018 budget year, which ends Sept. 30. The bill directs $700 billion to the military and $591 billion to various […]

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February 21, 2018Key Gold Headlines

Federal Debt: A Cancer on Economic Growth

The mainstream investment world is starting to worry about the federal debt. CNBC put it this way: Goldman Sachs sees a tidal wave of red ink — and it may drag the US economy into its undertow.” Goldman recently released a note to clients saying virtually the same thing Peter Schiff has been saying for […]

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February 12, 2018Key Gold Headlines

Peter Schiff on GOP Hypocrisy, the Bond Market and Gold

The Babylon Bee captured the current state of the Republican Party in all of its hypocritical glory. The satirical website proclaimed “Republicans announce plan to pretend to be fiscally conservative again the moment a Democrat takes office.” The GOP said it would begin to decry deficit spending and the $20 trillion debt in order to […]

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