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Posts Tagged: “debt

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August 18, 2021Videos

Fed Monetary Policy Hides Risk

The Federal Reserve has pumped trillions of dollars into the economy through its quantitative easing programs. This has generated a surge of inflation. But there are other less obvious impacts from the Fed’s extraordinary monetary policy. It conceals risk. Everybody sees a “booming” economy and assumes everything is fine. But underneath, the entire thing is […]

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August 9, 2021Key Gold Headlines

Consumer Debt Grew at Record Rate in June

After posting a 10.4% increase in May, consumer debt continued to expand, growing by a record rate in June. Consumer credit grew by $37.69 billion in June, according to the latest data from the Federal Reserve. That represents a 10.6% increase. The Fed also revised the May number up from $35.3 billion to $36.6 billion.

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August 6, 2021Friday Gold Wrap

Faking It: SchiffGold Friday Gold Wrap Podcast Aug. 6, 2021

Gold was solidly above $1,800 an ounce this week until Fed Vice Chair Richard Clarida mentioned the economy reaching the Fed’s goals earlier than expected and raised the specter of monetary policy tightening. But is the economy really improving as much as everybody seems to think? In this week’s Friday Gold Wrap, host Mike Maharrey […]

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August 4, 2021Key Gold Headlines

Household Debt Charts Biggest Increase Since 2007

With the stimulus checks long ago spent, Americans have gone back to buying things the old-fashioned way – on credit. Household debt surged by $313 billion in the second quarter to nearly $15 trillion, according to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York Household Debt and Credit Report. It was the biggest quarterly dollar increase […]

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June 30, 2021Interviews

The Great Inflation Debate (Video)

Is inflation “transitory,” the result of a quickly recovering post-pandemic economy as Jerome Powell insists? Or is it a long-term phenomenon resulting from loose monetary policy that’s not about to abate anytime soon? Peter Schiff recently participated in the “great inflation debate” on RT’s Cross Talk with Peter Lavelle, along with American Institute for Economic […]

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