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Posts Tagged: “coronavirus

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May 4, 2020Interviews

Peter Schiff: A Very Dangerous Road to Go Down

As if there weren’t enough headwinds for the economy already, the Washington Post reported the Trump administration was exploring the possibility of canceling some US debt obligations to China.  President Trump denied it but floated the idea of tariffs on Chinese imports as punishments for that country’s handling of the coronavirus. Peter Schiff appeared on […]

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April 29, 2020Peter's Podcast

Data Spotlights an Economic House of Horrors

We’re starting to get data revealing just how bad the coronavirus government shutdowns have impacted the economy. One commentator called it a “house of horrors.” But markets have barely shrugged.  There doesn’t seem to be much concern. Peter Schiff said there’s a pass now on economic data.

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April 28, 2020Original Analysis

Gold Is Set to Crash? No Way!

The mainstream is a fickle place. On the one hand, we had Bank of America raising its 18-month price projection for gold to $3,000. On the other hand, some people argue the price of gold could crash later in the year.

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April 28, 2020Guest Commentaries

A Did Not Cause B

A = coronavirus. B = economic meltdown. A caused B. That’s the mainstream narrative when it comes to the economic pain we’re feeling right now. But in reality, A did not cause B. B was in the works long before A came along.

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April 22, 2020Interviews

Peter Schiff: The Great Inflation Debate

Peter Schiff recently appeared on Newsmax The Income Generation with David Scranton to talk about the impacts of the coronavirus government shutdown on the economy. The segment turned into a somewhat contentious debate about inflation. Guest host Jeff Small insisted we aren’t going to see price inflation, despite the Federal Reserve creating trillions of dollars […]

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