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Posts Tagged: “coronavirus

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May 26, 2020Original Analysis

A Black Swan With Teeth

For years, I have been warning that during the age of permanent stimulus (which began in earnest with the Federal Reserve’s reaction to the dotcom crash of 2000), each successive economic contraction would have to be met with ever larger, increasingly ineffective, doses of monetary and fiscal stimulus to keep the economy from spiraling into […]

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May 14, 2020Original Analysis

Fed Chair Powell’s Solution Is the Root of the Problem

Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell went negative in a webcast speech on Wednesday, May 13. I’m not talking about negative interest rates, although that could be coming down the pike as well. Powell went negative on the prospects of a quick economic recovery. He’s right about the prospects for the economy, but he’s wrong about the […]

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May 11, 2020Peter's Podcast

Peter Schiff: These Jobs Aren’t Coming Back

The US Labor Department released its April non-farm payroll report on Friday and it was as bleak as expected. As Peter Schiff put it, it was the weakest jobs report in the history of jobs reports. And even worse, a lot of these jobs are never coming back. A record 20.5 million Americans lost their […]

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May 8, 2020Friday Gold Wrap

The New Normal: SchiffGold Friday Gold Wrap May 8, 2020

People keep talking about the “new normal” we’ll all have to adjust to as we recover from the coronavirus pandemic. So, what does that mean for the economy? In this episode of the Friday Gold Wrap podcast, host Mike Maharrey looks ahead at the new normal, the prospects of an economic recovery and speculates that […]

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May 5, 2020Key Gold Headlines

Enjoy Your Future; We’re Spending It Now

Welcome to your future. Your government is spending it right now. And your children’s and grandchildren’s future to boot. The US Treasury plans to borrow $2.99 trillion in the second quarter. The Treasury also plans to borrow another $677 billion in the July-September quarter, bringing the total fiscal 2020 debt to $4.48 trillion. It’s a level […]

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