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Posts Tagged: “consumer sentiment

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May 20, 2024Peter's Podcast

Peter Schiff: Biden Brags About Raising Taxes 

This week Peter’s back to discuss new economic data, Powell’s recent remarks in the Netherlands, and the Biden administration’s new tariffs. More and more signs point to economic stagflation, but Biden, Powell, and their cronies continue to deflect the blame and increase everyday Americans’ taxes.

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January 19, 2024Guest Commentaries

How the Government Constructs Positive Economic Data

A startling disconnect as we edge closer to the 2024 general election: On one hand, so-called “experts” parade optimistic economic reports, but for the average American, the story is starkly different. In heated debates, economists squabble over whether the public is hoodwinking pollsters or if mysterious forces are at play. Our guest columnist explains how […]

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