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Posts Tagged: “consumer debt

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January 10, 2022Original Analysis

Consumer Debt Charts Biggest Gain in 20 Years

The Federal Reserve is talking about raising interest rates. Well, that’s going to be a big problem for American consumers who are running up debt at a torrid pace. This is yet another reason why the Fed can’t do what it’s claiming it will do. Consumer debt jumped 11% year-on-year in November, according to the […]

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December 10, 2021Friday Gold Wrap

I See Red! SchiffGold Friday Gold Wrap Dec. 10, 2021

Pretty much everybody now expects the Federal Reserve to go to war against inflation, but the central bank has a problem not many people seem to be talking about – an economy buried under debt. In this episode of the Friday Gold Wrap podcast, host Mike Maharrey talks about consumer debt levels and their ramifications. […]

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April 12, 2021Key Gold Headlines

US Consumer Debt Spiked in February

Apparently, those stimulus checks weren’t enough. American consumers pulled out their credit cards and ran up big balances in February. According to the latest numbers from the Federal Reserve, consumer debt unexpectedly spiked in February, growing at an annual rate of 7.9%. Economists had expected a small uptick in consumer debt after a flat January, […]

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April 15, 2020Key Gold Headlines

Consumer Debt Was Already Surging Before Coronavirus

The solution to the coronavirus economic meltdown is to borrow our way out of it. The Federal Reserve slashed interest rates to zero and the stimulus bill makes all kinds of loan programs available to pretty much anybody and everybody. But American consumers were already up to their eyeballs in debt before the coronavirus lockdowns. […]

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