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Posts Tagged: “consumer debt

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December 8, 2022Key Gold Headlines

American Consumer Debt Continues Its Relentless Climb

After household debt grew by the largest amount since 2007 in the third quarter, American consumers kicked off the fourth quarter by piling on even more debt. Consumer debt grew by another $27 billion in October, a 6.9% year-on-year increase. Americans now owe $4.73 trillion in consumer debt, according to the latest data released by the […]

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November 10, 2022Key Gold Headlines

Auto Loan Delinquencies at 10-Year High

With prices rising and real wages falling, many Americans are struggling to make ends meet. They are increasingly turning to credit cards and other debt to fill the gap. But that creates other problems. Debt has to be repaid and a growing number of Americans are struggling to keep up with payments. Auto loan delinquencies […]

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August 18, 2022Original Analysis

The Mainstream Punditry Never Finds Bad News in Retail Sales Numbers

The mainstream has suddenly discovered price movements impact retail sales. For months, retail sales generally came in higher than expected. And for months the mainstream financial punditry ignored inflation and told us this signaled a strong economy. But in July, retail sales unexpectedly fell flat. Now the mainstream financial punditry claims this signals a strong […]

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