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Posts Tagged: “consumer confidence

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May 14, 2024Peter's Podcast

Peter Schiff: Biden Lies Again on Inflation

This week on the Peter Schiff Show, Peter covers a week of dismal economic reports. Both jobless claims and consumer sentiment came in worse than expected last week, with both figures missing predictions by a wide margin. Peter also discusses public statements made by both Joe Biden and Donald Trump on the nature and origin of inflation.

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September 27, 2023Original Analysis

Americans Aren’t Buying the “Great Economy” Narrative

The Fed people insist the economy is strong. They upped their GDP growth projections at their last meeting. Joe Biden thinks the economy is strong. He keeps bragging about the marvelous achievements of “Bidenomics.” Mainstream economists keep telling us the economy is strong. But the average American isn’t buying any of it. (Perhaps price inflation […]

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September 1, 2022Peter's Podcast

The “Strong Economy” Narrative Is Greatly Exaggerated

On the surface, some of the economic data that came out this week seemed to indicate that the economy is in better shape than the bears believe. In his podcast, Peter Schiff dug into consumer confidence and labor market data. He concluded that the strong economy narrative is greatly exaggerated. In fact, the data reveals […]

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July 27, 2022Key Gold Headlines

Consumer Confidence Hits 19-Month Low

The White House is desperately trying to convince everybody there isn’t a recession, but the average American doesn’t seem to be buying the narrative. Consumer confidence plunged to the lowest level since February 2021 in July, according to the latest survey by the Conference Board.

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