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Posts Tagged: “commodities

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June 12, 2024Key Gold Headlines

Chinese Central Bank Halts Gold Acquisitions

China has called quits on its 18-month gold buying spree, causing precious metal prices to stumble this week as the world’s largest buyer unexpectedly closes its tab. In 2023, the People’s Bank of China purchased more gold than any of the world’s other central banks, swelling its reserves of the precious metal to more than […]

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May 22, 2024Original Analysis

The Copper Bull: Speculation vs. Fundamentals

Copper has gone mad: Liquidated shorts from a flood of speculators, an AI bubble, a supply crisis, and a renewable energy craze have all combined with high global inflation to recently send it to historic all-time highs. While I believe there will be major corrections as some of these factors come back down to earth, the most important one — […]

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October 31, 2022Key Gold Headlines

Why Should You Be Bullish on Silver?

There are reasons to be bullish on silver, not just because of its role as a monetary metal and inflation hedge, but also due to its importance as an industrial metal. Doug Casey recently talked about silver’s many uses and what it means for the future with International Man.

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August 26, 2021Key Gold Headlines

Gold Ranks as the Most Effective Commodity Investment

The current economic environment is generally supportive of commodities. Higher inflation rates, improving economic conditions and commodity supply shortages all favor this sector.  As a result, investors are increasing allocations to commodities. And according to a report published by the World Gold Council,  gold is positioned as the most effective commodity investment in a portfolio.

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December 6, 2018Videos

Peter Schiff: Look Beyond the Trade War (Video)

Peter Schiff appeared on RT Boom Bust earlier this week to talk about the trade war “truce” between the US and China. The announcement that there was some progress in resolving the trade war during the G20 summit boosted stock markets on Monday (the day this segment was aired), but that lasted all of one […]

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