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Posts Tagged: “central banks

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July 1, 2024Original Analysis

Is France the Next Greece?

French markets have found some relief after the first round of its latest election, with stocks recovering somewhat and bond yields falling after reaching a 12-year high. But no matter which side wins in France, the market is afraid that an increase in unsustainable spending could be the common denominator. 

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June 13, 2024Original Analysis

As Inflation Rises, Prepare for Crime

Inflation breeds desperation, and desperation breeds crime. As central banks in Europe and Canada cut interest rates, and expectations remain that the Fed will wait to cut until at least September if it cuts this year at all, our endlessly-wise global central bankers, the benevolent all-knowing stewards of the global economy, can’t seem to agree […]

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June 12, 2024Key Gold Headlines

Chinese Central Bank Halts Gold Acquisitions

China has called quits on its 18-month gold buying spree, causing precious metal prices to stumble this week as the world’s largest buyer unexpectedly closes its tab. In 2023, the People’s Bank of China purchased more gold than any of the world’s other central banks, swelling its reserves of the precious metal to more than […]

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June 1, 2024Guest Commentaries

5 Ways Fed Medicine Is Worse Than The Disease

Central bank monetary tactics have proven to be a toxic remedy, amplifying rather than curing economic ailments. Like a surgeon whose operation only worsens the patient’s condition, central banks administer policies that do more harm than good. Here are five ways central banks leave a legacy of financial turmoil.

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April 10, 2024Original Analysis

Central Banks Are Buying the Gold Top

In investing, “Buy low, sell high” is among the most well-known sayings, and generally, it’s good advice. But with gold still holding near its historic all-time highs, central banks led by China are bucking the classic adage and smash-buying more, buying the top to fortify themselves against a global monetary and financial blow-up.

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February 22, 2024Key Gold Headlines

Is a Weak Yen Feeding the Global Gold Bull?

The gold price has been surging, with unprecedented central bank demand gobbling up supply. It has been a force to behold — especially as US monetary policy has been relatively tight since 2022, and 10-year Treasury yields have rocketed up, which generally puts firm downward pressure on gold against USD. 

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February 12, 2024Guest Commentaries

Gold & Silver in the Bible

The Bible features more than 700 references to gold and silver, emphasizing their timeless significance. The term ‘gold’ alone appears in 47 of the 66 books of the Bible. Beyond their current cultural relevance, these precious metals play a crucial role in scripture, highlighting three key attributes: their divine origin, intrinsic value, and monetary quality.

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