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Posts Tagged: “business cycle

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January 9, 2024Original Analysis

Degrowth Advocates Misunderstand the Business Cycle

December saw a resurgence of “degrowth” advocates in the media, with two articles published by Nature garnering special attention on X (formerly Twitter). The fallacies underlying the degrowth movement are not new in economics, but it’s worth revisiting them and their important connections to monetary policy in the age of central banking.

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August 17, 2023Videos

Soft Landing? Not so Fast!

Good news! The recession is off! For months, economists predicted the Federal Reserve’s rate hikes to fight price inflation would spin the US economy into a recession. But there is a growing consensus that the central bank can slay price inflation while guiding the economy to a “soft landing.” Economists Bob Murphy and Jonathan Newman […]

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September 27, 2022Guest Commentaries

The Student Loan Crisis: Economic Boom-Bust in a Microcosm

The student loan forgiveness program recently announced by President Joe Biden stirred up quite the political brouhaha. Progressives praised Biden for helping students burdened by overwhelming student loan debt. Conservatives decried it as an unfair giveaway. But as with most issues, the popular political debate misses the bigger picture. The student loan crisis was primarily […]

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December 3, 2019Guest Commentaries

The Skyscrapers Are Warning Us!

Did you now skyscrapers can predict economic crashes? And the skyscraper index is flashing red. As economist Mark Thronton explained in his book, The Skyscraper Curse: And How Austrian Economists Predicted Every Major Economic Crisis of the Last Century, the so-called Skyscraper Index has a remarkably accurate record signaling economic downturns dating back to the late […]

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October 22, 2019Guest Commentaries

Stimulus Doesn’t Stimulate: The Case of Japan

Last week, Keynesian extraordinaire Paul Krugman called for more fiscal stimulus in the form of a “government investment program.” Mike Maharrey poked fun of him in his Fun on Friday column. But while it might be amusing to crack jokes at the expense of Keynsians and their obsession with both fiscal and monetary stimulus, the […]

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