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Posts Tagged: “bonds

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July 18, 2021Guest Commentaries

Government Debt Looking as Sketchy as a Payday Loan

The US government continues to borrow and spend at a torrid pace, running massive deficits month after month. The US national debt currently stands at nearly $28.5 trillion. That doesn’t account for the trillions of unfunded liabilities. And there is no end to the spending in sight. There are trillions of dollars in new spending […]

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March 2, 2021Peter's Podcast

Peter Schiff: Anybody Betting Against Gold Is Going to Lose

Gold and silver continue to struggle with significant selling pressure. Last Friday, gold dropped some $40 as bond yields rose yet again. There continues to be this expectation that rising inflation and economic growth are going to force the Fed’s hand and cause it to pivot to tighter monetary policy sooner than expected. But in […]

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January 12, 2021Key Gold Headlines

Peter Schiff: The Bond Market Is Rigged!

You may have noticed that the financial media has started talking about inflation. But by and large, it’s not a warning. It’s reassurance. Many analysts are dismissive of any concerns raised about inflationary pressure. They often claim the bond market isn’t signaling inflation. But as Peter Schiff points out in a clip from a recent podcast, […]

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December 9, 2020Peter's Podcast

Peter Schiff: The Bond Market Is Broken

A lot of pundits and analysts insist inflation isn’t a problem because the bond market isn’t signaling any inflation concerns. But in his podcast, Peter Schiff argues that you can’t rely on this bond market to tell you anything. The bond market is broken, thanks to the Federal Reserve. It’s rigged and it’s sending false […]

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