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Posts Tagged: “bonds

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November 24, 2023Market Brief

Dollar’s TWI and Bond Yields Decline

Ahead of a possible challenge on the $2,000 level, gold consolidated recent rises this week, and silver held up well. This morning in European trade, gold was $1995, up $15 from last Friday’s close, and silver was $23.70, unchanged on the week. Comex volumes were healthy, despite the Thanksgiving holiday in the US.

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October 26, 2023Original Analysis

Constructive and Destructive Roles of Credit

This article defines credit, a subject upon which there is a lack of public knowledge. What people call money is in fact credit, and money itself, which is physical gold without counterparty risk, rarely if ever circulates. Nearly everyone, including most economists, fails to understand credit and the importance of its value being tied to […]

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October 6, 2023Market Brief

Collateral Squeeze

The sell-off in precious metals continued as bond yields continued to rise and a strong dollar persisted. In early trade in Europe this morning, gold was $1822, down another $26, unchanged on the year. Silver traded at $21, down $1.17. Comex volumes in both metals declined from good levels, indicating that selling pressure is declining.

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October 5, 2023Original Analysis

Unwinding the Financial System

This article looks at the collateral side of financial transactions and some significant problems that are already emerging. At a time when there is a veritable tsunami of dollar credit in foreign hands overhanging markets, it is obvious that continually falling bond prices will ensure bear markets in all financial asset values leading to dollar […]

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