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Posts Tagged: “Black Friday

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November 29, 2019Fun on Friday

Fun on (Black) Friday: Be Careful Out There!

So, did you go Black Friday shopping this morning? I didn’t. In fact, I have never gotten up to join the Black Friday hordes. There isn’t a Walmart deal that can entice me to go shopping at 5 a.m. I like to sleep more than I like saving a few bucks. Not only that, I […]

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November 23, 2018Fun on Friday

Fun on Friday: Black Edition

Well, today is Black Friday. Since 2005, the day after Thanksgiving has marked the busiest shopping day of the year. I know a lot of people who treat today like a holiday. They even have Black Friday traditions. I actually have some friends who meet at 3 a.m. on Black Friday for breakfast and then hit […]

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