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Posts Tagged: “bear market

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January 2, 2019Videos

Peter Schiff: The Bubble Has Popped; The Economy Is Next (Video)

After the worst Christmas Eve in the history of the stock market, the Santa Clause rally came late. Markets bounced back in the short trading week after Christmas. The Dow started with a 1,000-plus point gain, then dropped nearly 600 points the next day, before rallying late to close in the green. The rally had […]

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December 12, 2018Key Gold Headlines

Nearly Half of S&P 500 Stocks in Bear Market

US stock markets took another nosedive last week. Analysts blame the selloff on fears that the arrest of a Chinese businesswoman could derail apparent progress in resolving the trade war between the US and China. But during an interview on RT America, Peter Schiff said that while the arrest of Meng Wanzhou might have sparked […]

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October 11, 2018Key Gold Headlines

Peter Schiff: The Recession Is Obviously Coming

The Dow Jones fell 831 points Wednesday, a decline of more than 3%. Meanwhile, the S&P 500 charted its biggest daily decline since February and the Nasdaq Composite dropped 4.08 percent. This follows on the heels of a 200-point drop in the Dow last week after the 10-year US Treasury yield hit the highest level […]

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April 3, 2018Key Gold Headlines

Peter Schiff: In a Bear Market, All News Is Bad News

After rallying on Friday, stocks tanked on Monday, dropping over 450 points. In fact, it was the worst first day of the second quarter since the Great Depression. Most analysts blamed the plunge on the escalating trade war, but Peter Schiff has a different take. He said it was just another bad day in a bear […]

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February 13, 2018Videos

Jim Rogers Predicts Worst Bear Market in Our Lifetime

Investor Jim Rogers has seen a lot in 75 years. So when he starts talking about the worst bear market in our lifetime, we probably ought to sit up and take notice. And that’s exactly what Rogers said in a recent phone interview with Bloomberg. When we have a bear market again, and we are […]

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