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Posts Tagged: “banks

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January 28, 2024Guest Commentaries

The Fed to Force Healthy Banks Into a Sinking Lifeboat

Federal regulators are plotting a course that could see America’s sturdiest banks tied to a sinking lifeboat. This plan, designed to compel banks to use the Federal Reserve’s discount window, aims to normalize the act of reaching for this financial lifeline amidst turbulent seas.  It’s as if the Fed is asking the healthiest swimmers to […]

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October 19, 2023Key Gold Headlines

Cracking Commercial Real Estate Market Stressing Banks

Problems in the commercial real estate  (CRE) sector continue to bubble under the surface. This is a major stress point for US banks and could precipitate the next phase of the financial crisis. A combination of high interest rates and declining tenancy is putting the squeeze on commercial real estate owners. As a result, banks […]

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September 21, 2023Original Analysis

There’s a Herd of Elephants in the Room

Among the many problems currencies the markets face, there is one that is undocumented: the eurodollar market. This is yet another very large elephant in the room. This article quantifies eurodollars and eurodollar bonds, which are additional to US money supply and credit.

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August 9, 2023Original Analysis

Debt Chickens Are Coming Home to Roost

After the Federal Reserve incentivized borrowing with more than a decade of artificially low interest rates and easy money, the debt chickens are coming home to roost. Last week, Fitch Ratings downgraded the US’s long-term credit rating from AAA to AA+, and on Monday, Moody’s cut the credit rating of 10 small and midsize banks.

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May 10, 2023Interviews

Peter Schiff: This Is an Inflation Tsunami

Peter Schiff recently appeared on Real America with Dan Ball to talk about the ongoing banking and financial crisis. Peter emphasized that the Federal Reserve and the US government are trying to fix a problem that they caused. And their cure is going to unleash an inflation tsunami.

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May 9, 2023Interviews

Peter Schiff: The US Is in a Financial Crisis Worse than ’08

During his post-FOMC meeting press conference, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell insisted that the US banking system is resilient and sound. He said this despite the failure of First Republic Bank just days before the Fed meeting. Peter Schiff appeared on the Claman Countdown on Fox News and argued that Powell and others are wrong. […]

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April 5, 2023Key Gold Headlines

JP Morgan Head: The Banking Crisis Is Not Over

Most people in the mainstream seem to think that the recent bank bailout plugged the crack in the dam and stabilized the banking sector. But one big bank boss disagrees. In an annual letter, JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon said that the banking crisis isn’t over and that we will feel its repercussions for […]

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