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POSTED ON November 5, 2020  - POSTED IN Peter's Podcast

It looks like Joe Biden will ultimately win the presidential election, although it will likely be weeks before all of the official votes are in and the legal wrangling could go on even longer. One thing that is clear is that the polls were horribly wrong. They were projecting a Biden landslide. If Trump did lose, it was barely.

In his podcast, Peter Schiff offered some post-election analysis and said investors are as clueless as the pollsters.

POSTED ON October 16, 2020  - POSTED IN Friday Gold Wrap

It’s been months since the US started to reopen after the government-imposed coronavirus shutdowns and yet hundreds of thousands of Americans continue to file for unemployment every week. In this episode of the Friday Gold Wrap podcast, host Mike Maharrey takes a close look at the labor market and concludes that a lot of these jobs are never coming back. He also talks a little about the upcoming presidential election and makes a prediction about the outcome.

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