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May 30, 2012Key Gold Headlines

This Month in Gold – May 2012

Bernanke: Fed Stands Ready to Do More The Wall Street Journal – Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke reaffirmed the ‘Bernanke put’ this month, otherwise known as music to the ears of precious metals investors. Appearing after the Fed’s latest rate-setting meeting, Bernanke said that another round of bond purchases remains “very much on the table […]

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May 11, 2012Gold Scams Exposed

Spongebob Silver

Not only is this eye-catching because of the cubic sea creature featured on the round, but let’s look at the price here! Four – one ounce .999 pure silver rounds are being sold here for $259.00! As I check today’s silver spot price, I can tell you that this is not a good deal at […]

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May 4, 2012Original Analysis

France May Be Losing Its Head…

By Peter Schiff According to the European Central Bank, the Italian banking industry now holds more government debt than the banks of any of the major European economies: nearly €324 billions worth of shaky bonds. The Spanish banking sector is also heavily overweight in government paper, at a new record high of €263 billion. This […]

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May 4, 2012Original Analysis

Gold & Financial Preparedness

Mark Motive’s Gold Commentary There is a growing number of people in America hoping for the best… but preparing for the worst. These people – often called “preppers” – believe in self-sustainability, in terms of health, wealth, and liberty. As a former Boy Scout, I can certainly appreciate the desire to be prepared for any […]

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May 4, 2012Original Analysis

Gold’s Critical Metric

Casey Research’s Gold Commentary By Jeff Clark There are many reasons why gold is still our favorite investment – from inflation fears and sovereign debt concerns to deeper, systemic economic problems. But let’s be honest: it’s been rising for over 11 years now, and only the imprudent would fail to think about when the run […]

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May 1, 2012Lampoon the System

Evolutionary Cycle of Currency

Jon Pawelko publishes the web comic Lampoon The System to poke fun at insane economic policies and educate the public on sound economics. Click here for more cartoons and information on his anthology book, available for only $15. Follow us on Twitter to stay up-to-date on Peter Schiff’s latest thoughts: @SchiffGold Interested in learning about […]

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April 30, 2012Key Gold Headlines

This Month in Gold – April 2012

Central Banks Vigorously Buying the Dip Financial Times – At least one central bank, and likely more, took advantage of this month’s correction in gold to further diversify their reserve holdings away from the US dollar. According to several estimates from traders familiar with the purchases, the Bank for International Settlements – which buys gold […]

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April 6, 2012Gold Scams Exposed

The Truth About Confiscation

As we all become more immersed in the silver and gold buying world we see the fear mongering around every corner. “No, the risks…it’s not a safe investment!”…”The government could knock on your door and take it all away tomorrow.” We all know the FDR story back in the 1930’s where an executive order required […]

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April 5, 2012Original Analysis

Don’t Catch Recovery Fever

By Peter Schiff Gold has been holding steady in the the $1,600-$1,800 band since early October. This could be attributed to consolidation after last summer’s historic run up to $1,895, but I think this wait-and-see attitude reflects current market sentiment toward the US dollar. In fact, the first few days of April have seen a […]

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