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July 15, 2014Guest Commentaries

The Fed Has Trapped Itself In a Market Mirage

In a new commentary published by The Gold Republic Journal, renowned author and economist Jim Rickards explains why the Federal Reserve cannot safely exit its quantitative easing program. Rickards argues that the supposed strength of the US markets is a complete mirage created by the Fed’s policies. The Federal Reserve, the central bank of the […]

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July 14, 2014Guest Commentaries

Gold for Risk Protection in 2014

In its latest Investment Commentary, the World Gold Council explains why gold outperformed most assets in the first half of 2014, contrary to many analysts’ predictions. The report also shares the latest research on why gold is an essential asset for protecting your portfolio from high-risk debt and potential market volatility. The big takeaway – […]

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July 10, 2014Interviews

Gold Is the Only Undervalued Asset in a World of Bubbles (Video)

In this long segment on CNBC’s Futures Now, Peter Schiff, Marc Faber, and Dennis Gartman discuss the massive bubbles forming in almost every asset class. Faber called for a potential bear market correction of 30% in US stocks. All three agreed that gold is the best option for retail investors to protect themselves from the […]

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July 7, 2014Guest Commentaries

Exciting Advances in Silver Technology

The June edition of the Silver Institute’s Silver News is now available. This issue is full of news from the silver industry, highlighting some of the most interesting inventions and applications using silver today. Silver’s natural anti-microbial properties are being explored by industries around the world, ensuring demand for the white metal for many years […]

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July 3, 2014Lampoon the System


The news came out last week that Germany has changed its mind and will allow its foreign gold reserves to remain in the vaults of the New York Federal Reserve. Read the story here. With the World Cup occurring simultaneously, Lampoon the System couldn’t help but poke a little fun… Jon Pawelko publishes the web comic […]

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July 3, 2014Key Gold Headlines

Diversify Your Bitcoin with Gold & Silver

In case you missed the news, SchiffGold is now the world’s first major gold dealer to accept bitcoin, the digital currency that has been called the biggest innovation since the internet. We’ve partnered with industry leader BitPay to securely process your bitcoin payments when buying gold and silver. Whether you choose to pay in dollars […]

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June 19, 2014Gold Scams Exposed

Price Guarantees Are Almost Always Rip-Offs

There’s a marketing gimmick that is becoming more common in the gold dealer business – the “price guarantee.” It sounds like a great deal on its face, but there’s more to it than meets the eye. Here’s what these dealers will offer: You call to place an order for gold coins and lock in a […]

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June 10, 2014Original Analysis

The Platinum Supply Shock

By Peter Schiff Even investors who typically eschew precious metals have been hard-pressed to ignore the platinum industry this year. The longest strike in South African history paired with surging Asian demand is set to push the metal back into a physical deficit in 2014 – and could have repercussions for years to come. While […]

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