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POSTED ON May 20, 2022  - POSTED IN Friday Gold Wrap

There is a lot of spin out there when it comes to economic news. You get spin from the corporate media, You get spin from government officials. And you get spin from central bankers. In this episode of the Friday Gold Wrap, host Mike Maharrey spins the spin, breaking down the media take on the retail sales numbers and Jerome Powell’s spin during a talk this week. Whom should we believe? Listen and decide.

POSTED ON May 19, 2022  - POSTED IN Original Analysis

It’s the Fed’s “hold my beer” moment.

After more than a year in which Federal Reserve leadership appeared clueless, pollyannish, and indecisive, the Fed is conducting a full-throated messaging campaign to show that it is as serious as cancer about the inflation surge that is scaring the bejesus out of consumers, investors, and economists.

POSTED ON May 19, 2022  - POSTED IN Peter's Podcast

Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell spoke during the Wall Street Journal’s Future of Everything Festival on Tuesday and continued to talk tough about fighting inflation, all the while spinning Keynesian economic myths. In his podcast, Peter broke down Powell’s comments and talked about what he thinks the central bank will really end up doing.

POSTED ON May 18, 2022  - POSTED IN Original Analysis

When I was about seven or eight years old, I remember my mom taking me to the bank to open a savings account. She explained that if I put some of my allowance in savings, that money would grow over time.

Well, that doesn’t work anymore.

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