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September 6, 2024Interviews

Schiff on OAN: Kamala Wants Bread Lines

Peter recently appeared on OAN’s Real America with Dan Ball to discuss Kamala Harris’s frightening policy plans. In this clip, they tackle price controls, inflation, and the media’s coverup of Biden’s aging on the campaign trail. 

Harris ignores history when she proposes price controls:

“Yeah, you know, this was tried in Venezuela. It was tried in Cuba. It was tried in the Soviet Union. You know, it didn’t work there. This is what happens when you get raised by a communist father. The Soviet Union and other communist nations are famous for their bread lines. And you know, this is what Kamala is going to create. She’s actually targeting grocery stores. That’s where she wants to start. She thinks the grocery stores are gouging customers.”

Such policies defy intuitive economic theory:

“In a free market, you don’t have long lines. You just let the price adjust to whatever the market happens to be. But when you believe that the government needs to control prices, you’re rejecting the most important aspect of a free market economy. That’s supply and demand.”

Harris wouldn’t even be in the running if it weren’t for the media:

“They all lied for months and months about how Biden was sharp as a tack so they can feign that they were surprised because they set that debate unprecedentedly early that they were able to push Biden out, but supplant him with Kamala Harris without any real primary. Because if Biden had actually stepped down earlier before the primaries began, there is no way Kamala Harris would have won that nomination.”

This clip was recorded before the DNC this year, and Peter’s characterization of the event is spot on:

“Kamala Harris’s communist ideas are going to actually have a lot of support at that convention because I was there in 2012 … and I went around talking to the delegates, asking them if they would approve a ban on profits– corporate profits. And so many of these guys said, ‘Yeah, that’s great. Let’s ban profits.’ So you have a bunch of socialists that are in that room.”

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