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January 27, 2023Friday Gold Wrap

A Teaching Opportunity: SchiffGold Friday Gold Wrap Jan. 27, 2023

With a debt ceiling debate now underway, a dumb idea has once again raised its ugly head – the trillion-dollar coin. This week on the Friday Gold Wrap podcast, host Mike Maharrey uses this so-called “solution” to the debt ceiling problem as an opportunity to teach some economics. In this episode, he also touches on the GDP data that came out yesterday.


  • Q4 QDP
  • The shrinking money supply
  • Is a “soft landing” in the cards?
  • The run-up to the Great Recession compared to the economic dynamics today
  • The economics of a trillion-dollar coin
  • Money isn’t wealth

The SchiffGold Friday Gold Wrap podcast combines a succinct summary of the week’s economic precious metals news coupled with thoughtful analysis. You can subscribe to the podcast on Apple Podcasts and other podcasting platforms. The links are below.

Tune in to the Friday Gold Wrap each week for a recap of the week’s economic and political news as it relates to gold and silver, along with some insightful commentary.


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