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April 14, 2017Videos

Peter Schiff Drops Golden Truth Bombs on CNBC’s Scott Nations

Peter Schiff once again went toe-to-toe with one of his favorite foes on CNBC’s Futures Now. After Peter explained why the Fed won’t be able to shrink its balance sheet, Scott Nations challenged him, citing GDP growth, unemployment numbers, and low inflation as reasons we should view the economy as strong. When Peter pointed out […]

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April 4, 2017Videos

Rising Interest Rates Don’t Necessarily Spell Doom for Gold and Silver

Conventional wisdom tells us Federal Reserve monetary tightening is bad for precious metals. Analysts typically assume rising interest rates and a strengthening dollar will suppress gold prices. The Federal Reserve has raised interest rates twice in the last four months and has hinted at as many as three more hikes in 2017. While the economic […]

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January 16, 2017Videos

Peter Schiff Spars with Liberal Economists on Inflation

Peter Schiff appeared on MSNBC’S “Up with Chris Hayes” with a panel of other experts and pundits to debate the Fed’s role in the housing bubble, Republican views on the economy, and the effects of inflation on prices. Peter had a spirited exchanged with Karl Smith, Economics Professor from the University of Carolina, on the […]

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December 20, 2016Videos

Peter Schiff: 4 Economic Myths Surrounding the US Economy

Peter Schiff recently appeared on RT News and laid out how he sees gold prices and the US economy moving into 2017. Inflation vs. interest rates, the stock market bubble, and downturns in mortgage/auto financial markets were a few of the topics Peter provided insights and predictions about. He also dispelled four economic myths surrounding […]

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December 19, 2016Videos

Fed’s Faux Confidence Keeping Stock Bubble Afloat

In her rate hike announcement last week, Janet Yellen said the Fed was so confident in the health of the US economy that it was raising the Federal Funds rate by a paltry quarter point. Investors are on board, with a wave of irrational exuberance sending the Dow closer to its 20,000-point milestone. However, the […]

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December 12, 2016Videos

Rickards and Paul on Trump’s ‘Cabinet’ Government and the Coming Recession

Economist and author Jim Rickards and former presidential contender Ron Paul appeared on RT television recently to discuss their 2017 economic and political predictions. Rickards laid out his idea of Trump’s administration forming a “cabinet government,” that might work to decentralize executive power, which has become more concentrated over the last 15 years. Paul looked […]

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November 16, 2016Videos

Jim Rickards Describes Coming Shut Down of US Financial System

Jim Rickards,the chief global strategist at West Shore Group, appeared on Bloomberg Markets to discuss the next financial crisis. Rickards said he sees next US downturn approaching a tipping point soon. However, the Federal Reserve’s response to restoring financial solvency will be much different because there’s no place left to go with monetary policy. “The […]

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