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Key Gold Headlines

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November 22, 2020Key Gold Headlines

Money Is Not Wealth

When governments started locking down the economy in response to coronavirus, the Federal Reserve sprung into action. First, it slashed interest rates to zero. Then it quickly launched what we’ve dubbed QE infinity. In effect, that meant printing trillions of dollars out of thin air and pumping them into the economy. Meanwhile, the US government […]

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November 19, 2020Key Gold Headlines

The Fed Now Holds a Record Percentage of US Debt

The US government has borrowed $4.2 trillion in the last 12 months, pushing the total national debt to over $27 trillion. In order for Uncle Sam to borrow, somebody has to lend. So, who is buying all of these government bonds? Foreign and domestic investors, commercial banks and US government entities all buy US debt, […]

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November 17, 2020Key Gold Headlines

The Fed Has No Way Out

We have argued that the Federal Reserve has no exit strategy from this extraordinary monetary policy. In fact, it never could extricate itself from the extraordinary monetary policy it launched during the Great Recession. Today, we’re merely witnessing the same policy on hyperdrive. And there is still no way out.

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November 17, 2020Key Gold Headlines

The Tragedy of Savings

Low interest rates are a boon to borrowers. Thus the Federal Reserve’s quest to hold interest rates artificially low during the current economic crisis. We’re told easy money will bolster the economy as consumers and businesses take advantage of low rates and spend. But if you’re trying to save money, this anything but a boon. […]

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November 12, 2020Key Gold Headlines

Could the Dollar Price of Gold Go to Infinity?

This summer, Peter Schiff and Jim Rickards discussed the possibility of $15,000 gold. In a recent interview. economist Rafi Farber took this line of thinking to the next level, arguing the dollar price of gold could eventually hit infinity – meaning simply that the value of the dollar will go to zero.

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November 12, 2020Key Gold Headlines

American Retirees Drowning in Debt

American retirees are buried in debt. Between 1999 and 2019, the total debt burden for Americans over age 70 increased by 543% and totaled $1.1 trillion according to data compiled by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Debt grew by 471% over the same period for those in their 60s and totaled $2.14 trillion […]

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November 11, 2020Key Gold Headlines

Gold Is a Lifeline for Many Indians During Pandemic

Gold has helped Indians weather the economic storm caused by the coronavirus pandemic. The government response to COVID-19 has ravaged the Indian economy. As a result, many banks are reluctant to extend credit due to fear of defaults. In this tight lending environment, many Indians are using their stashes of gold to secure loans.

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