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Key Gold Headlines

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July 25, 2016Key Gold Headlines

China and Russia Still on Gold Buying Spree

After a brief pause in May, the Chinese and Russian central banks resumed their gold buying spree in June. The People’s Bank of China added about 15 tons of gold to its stash last month. The Chinese central bank now officially holds about 58.62 million ounces of gold. China has bought gold in 11 of […]

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July 22, 2016Key Gold Headlines

Fed Up Friday: July 16-22

As the saying goes: “Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.” Here’s a quick look what the Fed’s been up to this week. Philly Fed Shows Drop in Manufacturing This week the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia released the results of its Manufacturing Business Outlook Survey. The Survey of regional manufacturers showed general activity […]

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July 21, 2016Key Gold Headlines

Plan to Solve Puerto Rican Debt Crisis Already Off the Rails

Efforts to solve the Puerto Rican debt crisis have already run off the rails. Late last month, Congress passed a bill allowing Puerto Rico to restructure its debt. Under the plan, the US territory essentially declared bankruptcy. The US government won’t expend funds to bail out Puerto Rico, but will allow the island’s government to […]

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July 21, 2016Key Gold Headlines

Focus on Fundamentals: No More Easy Gold

When we talk about gold and its future prospects, we tend to focus on the latest event, economic news, or central bank pronouncement. We debate whether the Fed will raise or lower rates. We try to project the impact of Brexit on the price of gold. And we pour over the latest job numbers and […]

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July 20, 2016Key Gold Headlines

Meet Your Third Option for President: Libertarian Gary Johnson

It’s hard to remember a time when the press wasn’t talking about Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump. The US two-party system is sustained by one-sided media coverage. However, Presidential candidate and Libertarian Party nominee, Gary Johnson may be forcing his way onto the political stage. Also a candidate in the 2012 election, the former New […]

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July 20, 2016Key Gold Headlines

ETFs vs. Physical Precious Metals: The Complete Guide

As precious metals resume their long-term bull market in 2016, investors are once again asking the perennial question – should I buy ETFs or physical metals? With the gold price on the rise, gold funds and stocks recently experienced the largest one-week inflows on record. Mainstream investors seem to prefer “paper gold” in times of uncertainty. […]

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July 19, 2016Key Gold Headlines

Gold Gets $1,500 Vote this Presidential Election

Many political and social upheavals this year have contributed to gold’s continued bullish run. From the Fed’s quarterly passes on rate hikes to Britain’s exit from the EU, the year’s turmoil has helped keep the yellow metal at a 25% increase for 2016. The upcoming presidential election may prove to be one of the biggest […]

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July 18, 2016Key Gold Headlines

New CPI Numbers Reveal Investment Window for Gold

The Bureau of Labor released its Consumer Price Index report last Friday, which showed an increase in all consumer items by 0.2 %. The CPI measures the change in price Americans pay for all goods and services. According to the Wall Street Journal, the latest numbers indicate that the “effects of low energy prices and a […]

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July 18, 2016Key Gold Headlines

Little Old Ladies in China Buying Gold

Little old Chinese ladies are buying gold. The South China Morning News (a Hong Kong paper) reported that mainland China imported five times more gold from Hong Kong in May. Recently released customs data showed imports from Hong Kong primarily grew due to cross border shipments to meet mainland customer demand. Many of those customers […]

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