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July 20, 2016Key Gold Headlines

ETFs vs. Physical Precious Metals: The Complete Guide

As precious metals resume their long-term bull market in 2016, investors are once again asking the perennial question – should I buy ETFs or physical metals?

With the gold price on the rise, gold funds and stocks recently experienced the largest one-week inflows on record. Mainstream investors seem to prefer “paper gold” in times of uncertainty. But are these assets the right choice for your portfolio?

Or worse – could ETFs even cost you money over time?

SchiffGold now has the definitive guide to precious metals ETFs like GLD and SLV. In ETFs vs. Physical Precious Metals: Comparing GLD to Gold, we get to the bottom of the debate. This FREE white paper will teach you:

  • The misunderstood costs of gold and silver ETFs.
  • The potential effects of economic crises on various assets.
  • Which asset offers no counterparty risk and financial privacy.

Click Here to Download the Free White Paper

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