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January 22, 2013Interviews

Schiff on This Week in Money

Phil Mackesy interviewed Peter Schiff on This Week in Money last weekend. Their conversation covered a lot of ground, from misguided Canadian and Japanese monetary policy, to Jack Lew and the US dollar’s recent decline against the euro. “There’s a new rumor that [Japan] wants to start buying another $500 billion of our debt. That’s […]

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January 7, 2013Interviews

GoldSeek Radio: Fiat Currencies and the Race to the Bottom

Last week, GoldSeek Radio’s Chris Waltzek had a lengthy conversation with Peter Schiff about precious metals and the future of fiat currencies. Dedicated gold bugs will appreciate Peter and Chris delving into some more technical points, but the fundamentals remain the same: invest in something central banks can’t manipulate! That’s going to be the wave […]

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February 7, 2012Interviews

The Currency Wars Interview

Though much has happened in the gold market this month – notably, a Fed pledge that has awakened the sleeping bull – we wanted to take a step back and shed some light on what is fundamentally driving the precious metals market today. A Wall Street pro named James Rickards recently released his first book, […]

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