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January 12, 2016Interviews

Bull vs. Bear: When Will the Stock Market Capitulate? (Video)

On Fox Business, Peter Schiff debated Andy Brenner, who argued that now is the time to be bullish on the US economy and stock market. Brenner pointed to the latest 5% unemployment figure as his main proof. Peter again made the case that unemployment data is a lagging indicator of economic health at best. While […]

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January 8, 2016Interviews

Next Crisis Will Be Much Harder on All Americans (Audio)

Peter Schiff spoke with the X22 Report earlier this week and covered the gamut of economic analysis. They first discussed the latest economic data and why the United States is likely heading into a fresh recession in 2016. They compare the coming crisis to 2008, looking at the long-term collapse of the dollar and what […]

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January 5, 2016Interviews

Peter Schiff’s 2016 Outlook for Gold Fundamentals (Video)

On Kitco News yesterday, Peter Schiff put the past three years of falling gold prices in perspective. He emphasized that gold’s recent performance should be considered in the larger picture of a gold bull market that began in 1999. It has simply been investor assumptions and speculation about an improving economy that allowed gold’s correction […]

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December 31, 2015Interviews

Price of Gold to Rise Significantly in Next Five Years

This following interview with Peter Schiff was originally published at Gold Eagle. Find it here. Gold-Eagle: Fed Chair Janet Yellen recently hiked interest rates by 0.25%. What impact do you believe this will have upon US stocks and the national economy? Peter Schiff: The air was already coming out of the bubble prior to this tiny rate […]

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December 21, 2015Interviews

All Fed Decisions Are Made for Political Reasons (Video)

Peter Schiff made his regular appearance on InfoWars last Friday. Guest host Paul Joseph Watson talked with him about the Federal Reserve’s rate hike decision and gold’s price movement in response. They also discussed the destruction of the American middle class, the ill effects of minimum wage laws, and the role the Fed will play […]

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