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June 1, 2016Interviews

Has Fed Policy Pumped Up Another Real Estate Bubble? (Video)

The more things change, the more they stay the same. After pumping up a real estate bubble in the years leading up to the most recent economic crash, it appears the central bankers and government policymakers may have managed to orchestrate a repeat performance. Real estate mogul Sam Zell appeared on CNBC recently and hinted […]

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May 31, 2016Interviews

David Stockman: The Next President Will Inherit a Recession (Video)

Over the last few weeks, the mainstream has been fixated on the prospect an interest rate hike. Janet Yellen insists the economic fundamentals will support a hike. Pundits keep talking about a “strong economy.” But David Stockman recently appeared on Fox Business with Neil Cavuto and said the next president will inherit a recession. Cavuto […]

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May 26, 2016Interviews

Boockvar Bullish on Gold No Matter What the Fed Does (Video)

Fed watching has become an obsession. Every day, talking heads parse and dissect the words of central bankers, trying to read the tea leaves and figure out if the Federal Reserve will or will not raise rates next month. But a well-known mainstream market analyst says Fed-obsessed pundits miss the bigger picture. It’s not all […]

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May 24, 2016Interviews

The Fed Knows It’s Backed Into a Corner (Video)

All of the talk lately is about a Federal Reserve rate hike in June. In fact, in many circles, it has become a forgone conclusion. On Monday, Philadelphia Fed Bank president Patrick Harker said he could see up to three hikes before year’s end. But Steen Jakobsen, chief economist and CIO of Saxo Bank, says […]

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May 16, 2016Interviews

Ron Paul: The Federal Reserve Is King of the Price Fixers (Video)

In a recent episode of his video broadcast Myth Busters, Ron Paul and Chris Rosinni talked about how government destroys markets by tampering with prices. After discussing the ways government intervention has destroyed the market for health care and education in America, and looking at the negative impacts of tariffs and price supports in agriculture, […]

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