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Guest Commentaries

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July 1, 2024Guest Commentaries

The Modern Myth of “Wage Slavery”

The idea of ‘wage slavery’ unfairly compares today’s suffering job market to historical chattel slavery, using outdated 19th-century arguments to criticize modern work. This oversimplification overlooks the significant improvements in workers’ freedom and their right to work.  Some will choose to work at a lower wage than accept a worse alternative.

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June 16, 2024Guest Commentaries

The Fed’s Secret Strategy Around “Soft Landing”

By interpreting the two-percent inflation target as a flexible average, the Fed can cloak its true agenda: artificially suppressing interest rates to finance burgeoning federal deficits. Our guest commentator shows how the Fed manipulates its inflation targets and implements rate cuts irrespective of actual economic conditions, bending to political will.

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June 2, 2024Guest Commentaries

Why People Value Worthless Paper Money

Fiat money is intrinsically worthless and yet people still value it. Where does this value come from? Our guest commentator cites Austrian thinkers Menger and Mises. He traces the purchasing power of paper money back its historical root: real money, i.e. physical gold.

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June 1, 2024Guest Commentaries

5 Ways Fed Medicine Is Worse Than The Disease

Central bank monetary tactics have proven to be a toxic remedy, amplifying rather than curing economic ailments. Like a surgeon whose operation only worsens the patient’s condition, central banks administer policies that do more harm than good. Here are five ways central banks leave a legacy of financial turmoil.

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May 27, 2024Guest Commentaries

Gold Glistens as US Devalues Cash

As the US devalues and burns through cash at a record-setting pace, gold continues to gain. Gold has risen 89% in the past five years, compared to a disappointing 0.7% for the US aggregate bond index (as of May 17, 2024, according to Bloomberg). Our guest commentator explains why the government is eroding our purchasing […]

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May 12, 2024Guest Commentaries

Why The Establishment Fears a Trump-led Fed

While in office, Trump blamed the Fed for tightening monetary policy. Now members of Trump’s team allegedly plan to give a re-elected Trump more power over the Fed, igniting panic from mainstream economists about a politicized Fed. Our guest commentator explains why the real risk, from the establishment’s perspective, is not that Trump will turn the […]

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May 4, 2024Guest Commentaries

Falling Full-Time Jobs Points Toward Recession

In April, the U.S. economy added a disappointing 175,000 jobs, falling short of expectations and nudging unemployment up to 3.9% (see current trends here). This signals a slowing economy that might force the Federal Reserve to put the guard rails back on. Our guest commentator gives a deeper look at a worrisome trajectory: while part-time […]

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April 29, 2024Guest Commentaries

Chocolate Prices Reflect Rampant Inflation

Beneath the sweet surface of our favorite treats lies a bitter reality: inflation has sent cocoa prices soaring to unprecedented heights. Once deemed the food of the gods and now a daily indulgence for millions, chocolate is facing a dramatic upheaval as wholesale cocoa prices have rocketed past $11,000 per ton. Our guest commentator explains […]

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April 22, 2024Guest Commentaries

Why and How US Debt Will End in Catastrophe

As fiscal imbalances persist, driven by coercive measures and artificial currency creation, the middle class faces erosion and purchasing power dwindles. But as the world hurtles towards a potential reckoning, the lingering question remains: can this precarious balance last, or are we teetering on the brink of a cataclysmic economic shift?

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