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Guest Commentaries

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January 4, 2024Guest Commentaries

The US Treasury Is Running Low on Credit

The US is on the brink of a debt disaster, spiraling into $33 trillion of debt. That is over 180% of GDP.  The cause? Skyrocketing government spending matched with insufficient tax revenues, leading to ever-deepening deficits. The US Treasury is now low on credit and out of time. Interest payments on this colossal debt have […]

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December 20, 2023Guest Commentaries

Biden and the Media Are Gaslighting Us About Inflation

The Federal Reserve and the US government create inflation and then blame everybody else. President Joe Biden recently finger-pointed at “greedy corporations,” saying they need to “lower prices” now that inflation come down. Whether he is really that ignorant or just lying, Biden’s comments serve a purpose. As Ron Paul put it, they gaslight the […]

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November 29, 2023Guest Commentaries

Fed Rate Cuts Won’t Save the Economy

October CPI coming in cooler than expected ramped up expectations that the Federal Reserve is at the end of its inflation fight. In fact, many analysts now expect the Fed to begin cutting interest rates in 2024. Looking at the bigger picture, inflation’s apparent retreat boosted mainstream belief that the economy will glide to a […]

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October 18, 2023Guest Commentaries

Ron Paul: A New House Speaker Won’t Solve the Bigger Problem

The House recently ousted House Speaker Kevin McCarthy in the wake of the continuing resolution to keep spending money and avoid a government shutdown. Dissatisfied Republicans frustrated with the GOP’s unwillingness to address the federal spending problem banded together with Democrats to send McCarthy packing. While the outcome might be politically satisfying to some, it’s […]

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September 28, 2023Guest Commentaries

The Dangerous Myth of a Soft Landing

The Federal Reserve has pushed interest rates to over 5%. At the most recent FOMC meeting, it indicated that it may have to hold rates higher for longer. But the mainstream remains unconcerned. The narrative is that the Fed has successfully raised rates to fight inflation and is now guiding the economy to a “soft […]

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September 20, 2023Guest Commentaries

Ron Paul: Will BRICS Smash the Dollar?

Last month, the BRICS economic bloc extended invitations to six new members, including Saudi Arabia. What are the ramifications of this expansion? That remains to be seen. But as Ron Paul pointed out, it could further erode the West’s economic power, and ultimately threaten the status of the dollar as the exclusive global reserve currency.

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August 31, 2023Guest Commentaries

Gold Is Natural Money; Fiat Is Fake

Gold is nature’s money. Aristotle listed four characteristics of sound money: it must be durable, portable, divisible, and have intrinsic value. Gold possesses all of these characteristics, which is why gold has served as money for thousands of years.

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