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Guest Commentaries

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October 27, 2015Guest Commentaries

How the Government Insinuated Itself into Our Money (Audio)

In a speech delivered at Liberty Fest Houston, Tom Woods explores the concept of money and how it has been corrupted by modern governments. This is a great introduction to economics to share with your friends. Woods covers the history of money, the historical reality of deflation versus inflation, and how the boom/bust business cycle […]

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October 22, 2015Guest Commentaries

The True Cost of Higher Education & the Student Debt Crisis (Video)

Nowadays, the mainstream assumption is that everyone is better off getting a college degree, no matter what. The economics of this logic are actually far more complicated. In a detailed video analyzing the cost of higher education, Stefan Molyneux of Freedomain Radio reviews some important studies debunking this new American myth. Molyneux has interviewed Peter […]

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September 22, 2015Guest Commentaries

Debt, Manipulation, and the Gold Standard

Our readers often ask tough questions about the economy, monetary policy and precious metal markets. During a recent interview, Gold Standard Institute USA president Keith Weiner provided some insightful and clear-cut answers to some of the complex issues facing us today. Weiner was first asked to pinpoint the root of today’s economic mess. He summarized […]

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