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Guest Commentaries

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October 19, 2022Guest Commentaries

Gold Is Nature’s Money

Gold is nature’s money. Aristotle listed four characteristics of sound money: it must be durable, portable, divisible, and have intrinsic value. Gold possesses all of these characteristics, which is why gold has served as money for thousands of years.

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September 27, 2022Guest Commentaries

The Student Loan Crisis: Economic Boom-Bust in a Microcosm

The student loan forgiveness program recently announced by President Joe Biden stirred up quite the political brouhaha. Progressives praised Biden for helping students burdened by overwhelming student loan debt. Conservatives decried it as an unfair giveaway. But as with most issues, the popular political debate misses the bigger picture. The student loan crisis was primarily […]

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September 13, 2022Guest Commentaries

Ron Paul: The Fed Wants You Fired!

The Fed continues to talk tough about fighting inflation. During his Jackson Hole speech, Fed chair Jerome Powell said the central bank will “use our tools forcefully” to attack inflation. Powell even promised some pain. What exactly does Powell mean by “pain?” Ron Paul pointed out that Powell wants to “soften the labor market.” In other […]

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September 7, 2022Guest Commentaries

Inflation Is State-Sponsored Terrorism

Americans have been laboring under the burden of inflation for well over a year. We feel the pain everywhere, from the gas pump to the grocery store. Once it became impossible to sell the “inflation is transitory” narrative any longer, the Federal Reserve began raising interest rates to fight inflation. As a result, the bubble […]

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August 22, 2022Guest Commentaries

Ron Paul: Super-Sized IRS Will Shrink Liberty

The so-called “Inflation Reduction Act” is another Washington DC lie. It won’t do anything to reduce inflation. In fact, it will do the exact opposite. Instead, they should have named it the “Liberty Reduction Act,” because that’s what 87,000 new IRS agents funded by this spending bill will do. Yes, the tax man cometh. And […]

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August 9, 2022Guest Commentaries

Ron Paul: The “Inflation Reduction Act” Is Another DC Lie

We get a lot of Orwellian spin out of Washington D.C. A recession isn’t a recession, Putin’s price hikes caused inflation, and now we’re told a massive spending bill will cure inflation. Last weekend, the Senate gave final approval to the so-called “Inflation Reduction Act.” Despite the catchy title, it is nothing but a tax-and-spend […]

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