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Fun on Friday

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August 20, 2021Fun on Friday

Fun on Friday: Politicians Lie

I have some sobering news for you. Politicians lie. No, no, not just the politicians you don’t like. I mean pretty much all of them – with a few rare exceptions. It’s like part of the political DNA.

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July 30, 2021Fun on Friday

Fun on Friday: Going for Olympic — Silver?

Have you been watching the Olympics? I’ve always loved the Olympic Games. There’s always so much drama as the best athletes in the world compete for gold. But did you know they are mostly competing for silver? True story. There is very little gold in an Olympic gold medal.

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July 23, 2021Fun on Friday

Fun on Friday: With Friends Like This…

With friends like this, who needs enemies? Amanda Douglas, 27, stole gold and silver coins, along with other items from her friend’s home, including gold bars, 150 earrings, guns, ammunition, and a container holding a dog’s ashes. Yes. You read that correctly. Amanda stole her friend’s pet’s ashes. Nice girl.

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July 16, 2021Fun on Friday

Fun on Friday: The Story of the Mormon Island Gold Rush

Falling lake levels due to drought in California have revealed the ruins of an old gold mining town. The story behind Mormon Island is pretty interesting. Early in March 1848, W. Sidney, S. Willis, and Wilford Hudson set off from their fort to hunt deer. When they stopped along the south fork of the American […]

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July 9, 2021Fun on Friday

Fun on Friday: Raise That Silver Cup!

On Wednesday night, I got to watch a bunch of guys skate around an ice rink with a silver cup hoisted over their heads. My beloved Tampa Bay Lightning won their second straight Stanley Cup championship with a 1-0 win over the Montreal Canadians. If it seems like we just did this – well – […]

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June 18, 2021Fun on Friday

Fun on Friday: It’s All Relative

A guy made a comment about my article highlighting Chipotle’s recent decision to raise menu prices in order to cover some of the cost of higher wages, pointing out that the CEO made some $38 million last year, noting “I doubt he needs it.” The first thought that popped into my head was, ‘how exactly […]

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