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Data Dependent Series

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September 30, 2019Data Dependent Series

Last Week in Review: Monday Sept. 30, 2019

Here is a summary of some of the significant economic data/news that came out last week. Third-quarter 2019 new orders for durable goods remain on track for a second annual decline.  August 2019 Real New Orders for Durable Goods showed a monthly gain of 0.2% [1.0% ex-Commercial Aircraft], but an annual decline of 4.9% [down […]

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April 5, 2016Data Dependent Series

Employment Numbers an April Snow Job

Donald Trump managed to shove his way into the spotlight again last week, claiming the US is heading for “a massive recession.” Unsurprisingly, the mainstream media scoffed at Trump’s assertion, pointing to the “great jobs report” that came out Friday. The report did show the US economy added some 215,000 jobs, slightly more than expected. […]

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March 18, 2016Data Dependent Series

The Economic Recovery: A Myth Built Upon a Myth

No matter how much data you point to showing the health of the US economy isn’t as good as advertised, you will inevitably hear the refrain, “But look at the jobs numbers!” Just the other day, Peter Schiff appeared on Fox Business and said the US economy is likely already in recession. Peter repeated his […]

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January 4, 2016Data Dependent Series

Atlanta Fed Slashes Q4 GDP Forecast in Half

The Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta’s GDPNow estimate released today forecast a dismal 4th quarter GDP number. The forecast was nearly cut in half from 1.3% on December 23rd to 0.7% today. It remains much worse than the mainstream consensus estimates: Here’s what the Atlanta Fed had to say, citing the same manufacturing numbers Peter […]

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December 16, 2015Data Dependent Series

Fed’s Optimism About Economy Crushed By Actual Data

The Fed appears to be skipping merrily toward an interest rate hike this afternoon, which is supposed to signal that the US economy has recovered. But as Peter Schiff has been pointing out relentlessly on his Facebook page, the actual economic data tells a completely different story. In fact, the economy isn’t nearly as good […]

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