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Posts Tagged: “student loan

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October 9, 2018Key Gold Headlines

American Consumers Now Over $3.9 Trillion in Debt

Americans continue to pile up debt, adding to numbers that were already at record levels. US consumer debt increased by $20.1 billion in August, pushing total consumer credit to a record $3.94 trillion, according to the latest numbers from the Federal Reserve. That comes to a 6.2% annual growth rate.

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July 12, 2018Key Gold Headlines

Parents Feeling the Student Loan Squeeze

Total household debt climbed to a record $13 trillion in 2017. One factor driving overall American indebtedness higher is the ever-increasing burden of student loans. A recent article in the New York Times focused on three charts that illustrate the ever-increasing toll of the student loan bubble – and it’s not just impacting students. Parents are […]

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December 15, 2017Fun on Friday

Fun on Friday: Kids These Days

The University of Kentucky plans to blow up part of my youth. Earlier this week, the UK Board of Trustees approved a plan to demolish the Kirwan Blanding dorm complex, including two 23-story residential towers. Apparently, kids aren’t willing to live two to a cell and share communal showers anymore. According to a story in […]

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November 8, 2017Key Gold Headlines

US Consumer Debt Continues to Balloon

Last summer, US Global Investors CEO Frank Holmes called debt “the mother of all bubbles.” That bubble continues to blow up. US consumer debt increased even more than expected in September. According to data released by the Federal Reserve, total credit rose by $20.8 billion, an annualized rate of 6.6%. Analysts had expected an increase in […]

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