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Posts Tagged: “Russia

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September 9, 2019Videos

Peter Schiff: We’ve Accelerated the Process of the Dollar’s Demise

Is the US losing its grip on the world? And could the dollar ultimately be dethroned from its spot as the world’s reserve currency? We’ve reported extensively on countries working to undermine dollar hegemony and reduce the United States’ ability to weaponize the dollar as a foreign policy tool, along with the global gold rush on […]

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April 30, 2019Key Gold Headlines

Central Bank Gold-Buying Binge Continues

Central banks added more gold to their reserves last month, continuing a trend that stretches back into last year. Globally, central banks added another 31 net tons of gold in March, according to the latest report by the World Gold Council based on International Monetary Fund data. That brings the total increase in central bank […]

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April 24, 2019Key Gold Headlines

More Gold for Russia

This has become a monthly feature here a SchiffGold News – Russia buys more gold. The Central Bank of Russia added another 18.7 tons of gold to its stash in March according to a press release last week. This boosts the country’s gold reserves to 2, 167.9 tons or 69,700,000 ounces. Gold now makes up […]

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April 3, 2019Key Gold Headlines

The Anything But the Dollar Club

We’ve been following a number of central banks that have been buying gold recently, specifically the Russians and Chinese. But these two central banks aren’t alone. In fact, central bank gold-buying has surged over the last couple of years. What’s behind this trend?

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March 25, 2019Key Gold Headlines

Russia Keeps Right on Buying Gold

Russia continues to buy gold as it seeks to minimize exposure to the US dollar. According to information released by the Central Bank of Russia last week, it purchased another 31.1 tons of gold in February, bringing its total reserves to 2,149 tons.

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