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Posts Tagged: “peak gold

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July 12, 2018Key Gold Headlines

Are We Running Out of Gold?

Last May, the head of the world’s largest mining company said we’ve found all of the gold. Goldcorp CEO Ian Telfer told the Financial Times, “we’re right at peak gold here.” Peak gold is the point where the amount of gold mined out of the earth will begin to shrink every year, rather than increase, as […]

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January 17, 2018Key Gold Headlines

Peak Gold? South Africa Mines Could Be Out of Gold in 39 Years

South Africa may run out of gold within four decades, according to the Environmental Economic Accounts Compendium published by African Statistics Day. Analysts say that at current production levels, South Africa has only 39 years of accessible gold reserves remaining. This is significant considering South Africa ranks as the number five gold producing country in the world, […]

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