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Posts Tagged: “mortgage

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May 31, 2018Key Gold Headlines

Rising Interest Rates Cutting a Lifeline for Consumers

Climbing interest rates are putting the squeeze on the mortgage refi market. Applications to refinance home mortgages fell 5% last week, dropping to an 18-year low. According to CNBC, mortgage application volume was nearly 27% lower than a year ago when rates were lower. The refinance share of total mortgage application volume fell to its lowest […]

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March 23, 2018Key Gold Headlines

What Do Fed Rate Hikes Mean to Me?

The Federal Reserve bumped up interest rates another 25 basis points this week. The target federal funds rate now stands at 1.75%. “Well, OK,” you might be thinking. “But this is just a bunch of wonkish policy stuff. What’s it to me?” In a nutshell, it means your debt is going to cost you more. […]

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