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Posts Tagged: “gold

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October 16, 2017Key Gold Headlines

Is Silver Set to Soar?

Could silver be set to soar? Analysts Barron’s spoke with recently think so. An article published on the business journal’s website last week predicted the white metal will emerge as a winner for the second straight year. With a per-ounce price of $17.41 for silver futures as of Friday, analysts say the white metal is […]

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October 13, 2017Fun on Friday

Fun on Friday: Excrement of the Gods

The Aztecs described gold as the “excrement of the gods.” Apparently, it’s also the excrement of mere mortals. In a widely circulated story, the Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (EAWAG) reports that about $3.6 million in gold and silver are lost each year in wastewater and sludge discharged from Swiss wastewater plants each […]

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October 11, 2017Key Gold Headlines

The Russia Story that Really Matters

We’ve heard a lot about Russian election hacking over the last year. But Jim Rickards said there is only one Russia story that really matters – that is the country’s efforts to break away from the hegemony of the US dollar and the dollar payment system that currently dominates global trade. Over 60% of global reserves […]

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October 11, 2017Key Gold Headlines

Germany’s Budding Love Affair with Gold

We talk a lot about India’s love affair with gold. The Asian nation ranks as the second largest gold consumer in the world, behind only China. Gold is intimately intertwined with Indian cultural and marriage rights, and it serves as a vital cog in India’s economy,  both above ground and underground.  But the yellow metal has a new […]

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October 10, 2017Key Gold Headlines

Indian Gold Demand Up in September Even With Tax Rule

After nearly tripling in August, demand for gold in India remained strong last month, despite a tax rule that put a damper on high-dollar jewelry purchases. Gold demand rose 31% year-on-year in September. Imports came in at 48 tons, according to a Reuters report. Higher purchases by India, the world’s second-biggest consumer, could lend support to global […]

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October 9, 2017Key Gold Headlines

Reversal of Tax Rule Could Boost Gold Demand in India

The Indian government has reversed a tax rule that was putting a damper on gold demand in the country. The government included Indian jewelers under the Prevention of Money-Laundering Act last August. The rules increased compliance requirements for high dollar jewelry purchases. Buyers had to provide their income tax identity for transactions above 50,000 rupees […]

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